Research & Training
What is primary care research?
Primary care research is research undertaken by members of our practice primary care team (usually our doctors, nurses and members of our wider clinical team such as pharmacists and physiotherapists), in partnership with our patients and sometimes our wider community
Why do we think it’s important to be part of research?
The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of research in improving care for patients. Its helps build a bridge between science and patient care, delivering new medicines, treatments and ways of working that improve health and wellbeing. We also value patients’ views of care, as this helps us modify, change or implement new ways of health care
How much research do we do as a practice?
Torkard Hill is a very research active practice.
For the past few years we have been one of only a few regional Level 3 Research practices; this means each year we participate in at least 8 different research studies. Selected studies are always linked to our priorities as a practice, and as identified by our patients.
Who leads our practice research?
We have an experienced research team that includes Dr Prakash Kachhala (GP), Julie Meldrum (Head of Practice Development) and Vicky Wall (Data Quality). As a team, we are supported by staff from the Clinical Research network (CRN) who advise and support us with our chosen studies.
Want to know more or get engaged?
We will contact eligible patients to ask their consideration of studies as we are notified of them . Patients should be reassured that they may opt out of research at any time should they change their mind. Your views and Information gained as part of research is completely confidential and will never be shared for other purposes unless with explicit consent
Your views and comments are always really important. They help us to better help you and we thank all of our patients who have been so generous with their time and enthusiasm, it is very much appreciated by both our team and the study researchers.
What projects are we involved in?
SWELL: Skills for Adolescent WELLbeing study
PROMPPT: Proactive clinical Review of patients taking Opioid Medicines for persistent Pain led by clinical Pharmacists in primary care Teams
PRIME: Pharmacy Role In proMotion of continencE
STREAM: Screen and TREAt for Malnutrition
TARGET: An analysis to assess non-adherence in people with type 2 diabetes
DISCOVER ME A national study looking into understanding diseases through analysing health and genetic information. Find out more and register at:
LOCOMOTIONS STUDY: LOng COvid Multidisciplinary consortium Optimising Treatments and servIces
INTERACT: Measuring loneliness in UK
Level 3 Research
Eczema Care Online
Thank you to those of you who took part! Objective was to determine the effectiveness of two online behavioural interventions to support eczema self-management. Eczema Care Online for parents/carers and Eczema Care Online for young people.
Do the Eczema Care Online interventions improve outcomes in eczema?
• Online intervention led to improved eczema severity over 24 and 52 weeks in parents/carers of children with eczema and young people with eczema compared to usual care
• We found a small but sustained effect and there were no reported adverse events
• This is a scalable and reliable intervention that is free to access and aligns with UK eczema guidelines
• Eczema Care Online interventions are currently being adapted into software, freely available without registration at
BEE Study
Torkard Hill Medical Centre is an approved training practice for junior doctors and medical students
GP Registrar
We have GP Registrars attached to the practice for either 4 or 12 months. The Registrars are under the supervision of Dr Dalton and Dr Bilkhu. The GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors undergoing training in general practice.
You may be asked on occasions if a Registrar may video his or her consultation with you. These videos will be treated in a confidential manner and will be used for training purposes only. If, however, you do not wish to be videoed, please let the reception staff know.
Foundation Doctor (F2)
We also train F2 doctors as part of their hospital training. They are attached to the Pactice for 4 months under the supervision of Dr French.
Undergraduate Teaching
The Practice is involved in the teaching of medical students from the University of Nottingham. You may be asked if you will allow medical students to sit in on your consultation with your doctor. If you do not wish to see medical students, please let our reception staff know.
We are always looking for volunteer patients to help with the medical student "Community Follow Up Project" for those with chronic disease. If you are interested please contact us.