Tests & Results
Arranging Tests And Investigations
If your GP or nurse has referred you for an investigation, please see below to find out what you need to do next:
Blood tests are done at the phlebotomy clinic on Curtis Street; to arrange an appointment, please ring them directly on 0115 8440565. On the day of your test, you will need to take a paper or electronic copy of the request form, that your doctor or nurse would have given you. Alternatively, for URGENT bloods, please get these done at the clinics at City or QMC. You can find more information and locations here. |
Xrays are done at Nottingham City and Queen’s Medical Centre hospitals; you will need to make an appointment by ringing 0115 875 4568. |
ECG: |
Heart traces or “ECGs” are done at Torkard Hill; please speak to reception to arrange this with one of our healthcare assistants. |
Please arrange this directly with Nottingham City Hospital, by ringing 0115 9249924 Ext: 62183 within 5 working days of your referral. |
You will be contacted directly via letter by the community ultrasound service. |
You will be contacted directly via phone or letter by the hospitals (Queen’s Medical Centre or Nottingham City). |
How to receive your test results
GP Practice results
You can receive your test results, for tests arranged by your GP practice (not the hospital or any other clinics) by:
- viewing your records on the NHS App or Systmone Airmid App
- viewing your records on Systmone Online
- sent to your mobile phone via SMS
- calling the Practice after 2pm
It is your responsibility to follow up and find out the results of your tests. It is really important that you do NOT rely on the practice to contact you with your results and you must NOT assume that they are normal if you haven't heard anything.
Hospital or clinic results
As a general rule, any tests ordered in hospitals or outpatient clinics will be sent to the Consultant or Nurse who ordered them and so any requests for such results should be directed to the hospital secretary.
Blood clinics at the hospitals
Blood clinic in Hucknall
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS
Hucknall Health Centre
Curtis Street, Hucknall
NG15 7JE
Call to book an appointment 0115 8440565
Dropping off samples
If you have been asked to drop off a sample by a doctor or nurse (such as sputum, urine or stool), please ensure it is dropped off at an appropriate time
Monday to Thursday, before 4pm
Friday, before 11:30am
(We cannot store samples overnight)